Our December calendar is always full and usually overbooked in a few places, but I choose to look at this as a great thing.
I once heard the saying “The Christmas Magic you felt as a child was the unconditional love from a parent”. Go ahead and grab the tissues!
Not only did this make me so grateful for my mom, but also so excited to recreate that for my children.
I am sharing 10 Christmas activities for kids that you can do to get that Christmas magic into overdrive. Don’t worry! They are super simple! No added stress needed my friend.
Christmas Activities for Kids
1. Light Show

We love to go see all the Christmas lights, whether it is driving around in neighborhoods or going to a light show. A local personal favorite of ours is Lights Under Louisville. There is not much that can beat driving through a massive cave with a record-breaking light show, just saying.
This is a great activity that allows you to stay warm, you pick how long or short it is, and it still creates that Christmas joy!
2. Drive-in

If you are lucky enough to still have a drive-in theater close to you, this is a great Christmas activity. Our local drive-in goes all out with a Christmas movie, hot chocolate, decorations, and Santa even makes an appearance.
If you don’t have a drive-in close by you could still sprinkle some of that Christmas magic on a normal movie night. Throw in some hot cocoa, Christmas pjs, blankets, and the family’s favorite Christmas movie.
3. Gingerbread house contest

I heard about this one from a friend. Their family tradition was to invite over a few close family members and friends and have a gingerbread house decorating competition. Not sure if there was a prize included, but I think that would be a special touch.
This is an easy way to spend time with the people most important to you and get everyone excited for Christmas!
4. See a play

There are so many Christmas plays this time of year. You can pick to make it a fancy night out or keep it really simple and see one at your local high school (I think the simpler, the better)!
This year we went to see Elf at the local high school to kick off the festivities. My son loved it and it was a simple (and inexpensive) way to get everyone in the Christmas spirit.
5. Go Ice-Skating

If your family is up for it, ice-skating is the perfect December outing to get into the Holidays. Whether it is indoors or there is a local outdoor rink, there is nothing more wintery than ice-skating.
With newbies, it doesn’t have to be long. Just enough for the experience at first, then grab some hot cocoa and maybe something to eat.
6. Polar Express

One of the most unique Christmas activities for kids is experiencing the Polar Express. If you haven’t watched the movie yet, go ahead and use this movie for your movie night. You won’t regret it!
Then look around for a local Polar Express train ride. Some are extravagant and some are more laid back. Find whatever works for you and let your family not only experience a train ride possibly for the first time but also feel as if they are actually in The Polar Express!
7. Shop Local

Take a day to shop local. Your town likely has the lights up, decorations out, and Christmas deals going. This is a very easy activity that can still get the family excited and moving.
Have a slow morning, maybe make a special breakfast. Get ready and drive through town. Grab some hot cocoa and leisurely shop. I bet you find some amazing stores you didn’t even know were right in town.
P.S. this is a great way to also knock out some Christmas shopping.
8. Visit Santa

Ok, this one is a no-brainer, I know! Hopefully, Santa has made an appearance at one of the other activities you have been doing and you can cross this one off, but if not, make sure not to forget it!
Skip the mall this year. Find somewhere else that you can find Santa. One of our favorite places is the local Cabelas that believe it or not creates an amazing toy factory and is free to see Santa and get pictures!
If you can pull it off, see if you can get someone you know to dress up as Santa and come over as a surprise. We have done this for the past 2 years and it has been amazing!
9. Get crafting

There are so many Christmas crafts it’s unreal. You can find anything under the sun! To make it extra special, you can look to see if somewhere local is having any crafting times.
Whether it is for a mom’s night out or a family outing, you can usually find a painting or ornament-making class. Add some hot cocoa (or wine) and you’ve got the perfect Christmas activity!
10. Your Town’s Light Up Night

I believe almost every town has a night where it is full of Christmas magic! The lights are up, the shops are full, hot cocoa and coffee are somewhere and you can probably even spot Santa.
This small or big event may just be your family’s favorite! It’s not far, it’s familiar, you’ll see other friends and your kids can see how their normal town and be transformed by Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
I hope you are able to find time for a few of these activities if not them all. This time of year is amazing not only for your children but for you too as you create some of the best memories!
Make sure with every activity you reiterate the true meaning of Christmas and how the most important thing is the time spent together.
I wish you the happiest holidays and the merriest Christmas!