When it comes to Halloween, there is not much that can match the excitement of choosing your costume.
As a kid, you thought hard about choosing something you really loved, something that you wanted to be, or something scary enough to frighten even your dad.
In recent years you see lots of Paw Patrol, PJ Masks, princesses, and superheroes.
However, when I was a child we never had to worry about someone else having the same costume because our mom made ours. I 100% mean made it! From scratch!
We are talking about robots (foil and boxes), ghosts (bed sheet), cereal killer (old cereal boxes), bubble bath (balloons and baby pool), and even a dead bride (her old wedding dress). I can’t make this up.
I think it’s time to bring back the excitement and creativity of homemade costumes so I am sharing 7 easy and unique ideas for a homemade Halloween costume for kids.
1. Cotton Candy

Very easy and super cute idea for your little one. Make it any color you want! See how Kamri Noel made this simple costume out of an old dress and pillow stuffing here.
2. Wrecking Ball

How cute is this!! Perfect for your little one who is always ready to tear something apart! Bonus – no need to hold that trick or treat bag! Check out how Scratch and Stitch made this adorable and simple costume.
3. Doll In a Box

It’s a real-life doll! This is totally giving me Tyra Banks Life-Size vibes. Did you love that movie as much as me? Ok, probably not, but this costume is still amazing and soooo easy! See how Crafts by Amanda made this.
4. Scuba Divers

For your adventurous and/or water-loving kiddo. You can easily turn them into a scuba diver with some 2-liters, rope, goggles, flippers, and whatever else you want to add. Easy, fun, and creative! Learn how Delineate Your Dwelling made these.
5. Lego

Turn that Lego-loving kid of yours into an actual Lego and of course of their favorite color! I can promise you no other kids will be walking around as Legos (unless they are reading this too 😉)). See how Lovely Indeed made this Lego costume for her son here.
6. The Tired Mom

I mean, this has to be the winner, right? The leggings, the messy bun, the baby carrier, the Starbucks and Target. It’s all so perfect and I bet you already have everything you need! No tutorial is needed for this one, you already live it!
7. Bubble Bath
I feel as if I need to end with this costume. It was one that the adults loved and I hated at the time because everyone was looking at me! However, as a parent, I would totally make it for my kiddo (as long as they weren’t hating it like I was). Feel free to get inspired by my embarrassment and make it how my mom did:
Baby pool (cut out leg holes and add straps for over the shoulders) and balloons (for bubbles of course!)
I looked everywhere for a picture of mine and cant find one! Ugh! Thinking it may be on home videos, but you can check out how Giggle Galore made theirs.

I Hope You Have Found the Perfect Halloween Costume!
With these easy and unique ideas, Halloween is sure to be awesome and less stressful this year! Focus more on the fun and the candy and less on making sure the costume is delivered on time.
For more Halloween inspiration, check out my top 10 favorite Halloween decorations from Amazon.
Let me know which costume is your favorite, if you prefer homemade or store-bought costumes, and what your family plans to dress up as this year.
Happy Trick or Treating!