Growing up in Kentucky, the Kentucky Derby has always been a big celebration. Do most of us watch horse racing anytime besides in April and May? Nope! Do most of us celebrate for 2 weeks and throw huge parties with extravagant outfits? Yep!
There are many derby activities, 2 weeks’ worth, so why not have some Kentucky Derby kid activities.
The Kentucky Derby isn’t something that is taken lightly around here and people go to great lengths to make sure it is memorable. There is an air show, fireworks, school is closed, and there are 3 different parties. As you can see, it is a big deal!
To get the kiddos in on the celebration, here are super easy and simple Kentucky Derby kid activities you can do at home.
Is the Kentucky Derby Kid-Friendly?
To be honest, this is a difficult question to answer. It depends on what your celebration looks like. If you are having a family party at your house then, of course, it can be kid-friendly! If you are planning on going to Churchill downs then I would recommend getting a babysitter and making that an adult outing.
However, that doesn’t mean the kids have to completely sit this one out. Even if you do have plans to go to Churchill downs (which I recommend doing at least once in your life) then celebrate a few days before with the kids. There are so many Kentucky Derby kid activities to get them excited too!
Kentucky Derby Coloring Pages
One simple and easy activity to get the kids in on the celebration is coloring pages! Here are 16 coloring pages that include events from the whole 2-week celebration.
What Are Some Kentucky Derby Traditions?
When thinking about what fun Kentucky Derby kid activities you could do at home, you must first think about what traditions there are. If you are a Kentuckian like myself then this is a no-brainer, but for others here is a list of some very famous traditions:
Hot Air Balloons
Airplane Show
Horse racing, of course, with trophies, ribbons, and roses
Mint Julep
Large colorful hats
“My Old Kentucky Home”
Kentucky Derby Kid Activities
When deciding what activities would be best for your kids to celebrate the Kentucky Derby, you should think about how you can make the traditions kid-friendly. I have done that thinking for you and listed out easy and fun activities to fill a day with Kentucky Derby fun.
1. 1st place ribbon breakfast
Why not start the day off on a winning streak! This would be a great surprise and special treat to get your little ones excited about the Kentucky Derby.
2. DIY Air Show
The kick-off to the Kentucky Derby starts with Thunder Over Louisville, the world’s largest firework show with an air show. This air show displays some awesome aircrafts and the coolest tricks. Why not recreate this at home with the best paper airplanes. You can learn how to make the best paper airplanes here.
3. Firework Show
After the air show comes the fireworks. You may not want to have a full firework show in your backyard, although that would be perfectly acceptable here, but you can still have some fireworks. I am talking about the art kind. Have your kids paint their best fireworks and display for the perfect Kentucky Derby decor. There are many different and fun ways to paint fireworks, but we tried blow paint fireworks and it turned out great!
4. Derby Hat
If you ever plan on going to the Kentucky Derby you must know that the hat is everything! You pick your hat first before anything else! You can have some fun with your kids making their own Derby hats. We used this tutorial by Hello Glow and then decorated it fully.
5. Horse Racing
Now it is time for the main event, horse racing! Grab the play horses you already have, some pool noodles, or some sticks. Decorate and give them the perfect horse name. Now you are ready to take off!
6. Watch Your Favorite Kentucky Derby Movie
I have to throw this one in because when my son was 3 he discovered the movie Secretariat. We are not a family that is huge on horses and hadn’t really talked much about them but we were shocked at how much our son loved this movie. I highly recommend winding down from your day full of Kentucky Derby Activities with this movie.
Happy Kentucky Derby!
Now you have a day worth of fun and easy Kentucky Derby kid activities. Pick your favorite or do them all and get your little ones excited about some horse racing! Don’t forget to take pictures, although I am sure you would never forget!
Leave a comment sharing your favorite Kentucky Derby memories. If the Kentucky Derby is new to you, ask a question, and us locals will be happy to answer.
